Established in 2007, the award-winning Public Lands History Center (PLHC) integrates research, education, and outreach in the best tradition of a land-grant university. Projects with National Parks and other public land management agencies enlist faculty, graduate students, and other researchers to conduct historical research that directly informs current resource management challenges. Our American West Program seeks to expose audiences to significant research, dynamic speakers, narratives of change and contestation, and the excitement of interdisciplinary dialogue on human-environment issues in the West.  The PLHC gets students out of the classroom and into the field to get the experience and connections they need for fulfilling careers after graduation.

Students Hannah Ashley and Dillon Maxwell in the field at Parks as Portals to Learning 2017 in Rocky Mountain National Park.
Students Hannah Ashley and Dillon Maxwell in the field at Parks as Portals to Learning 2017 in Rocky Mountain National Park.
PPL 2017 Group Shot: Upper left to right: Kimberly Disney, Dillon Maxwell, Katherine Oldberg, Lizz Henke; Lower left to right: Hannah Ashley, Pattrick Hoehne
PPL 2017 Group Shot: Upper left to right: Kimberly Disney, Dillon Maxwell, Katherine Oldberg, Lizz Henke; Lower left to right: Hannah Ashley, Pattrick Hoehne

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