PLHC Events
Our Engagement Mission

Events engage the Public Lands History Center with the public, both on and off CSU’s campus. We host a variety of speakers with expertise in public lands and their stories. Past events have included historians, land managers, and other public lands stakeholders. We frequently partner with other colleges and departments to deliver accessible, quality programming to the entire community. Events address topics ranging from the Civil War in the West, public lands controversies surrounding grazing and ranching, and the important, contentious history of immigration in Northern Colorado.
Our Programming
We have hosted scholarly symposia, book signings, lectures, and hosted conversations. Events, such as the American West Program, are free and open to the public. We welcome community members, students, and faculty of all kinds to learn about the history of public lands from a broad historical perspective.
We also host events for students featuring museum professionals, cultural resource managers, and other professionals in our Brown Bag Lunch series. These are opportunities for students to meet working professionals and expand their professional networks in a casual and informative environment.
The PLHC also hosts History Day, a recurring partnership with local high schools and the CLA Office of Recruitment. At History Day, high school students live a day in the life of a CSU Ram, visiting classes, learning about career options in History from our alumni, and meeting current students. For prospective history majors, History Day provides the perfect answer to: “So what are you going to do with that?”
We would love to see you at one of our events. Please check this page regularly, and follow us on Facebook to keep up with our latest events!
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