This website is the work of many people, many hands, many minds. The tasks of planning, researching, analyzing research, writing, editing, selecting, and ‘webifying’ were (and continue to be) a community project within the Public Lands History Center (PLHC). Members of the PLHC – faculty, staff, graduate students, and undergraduates – swapped sources; shared stories; discussed, argued, disagreed, and came to a consensus over many different aspects of agricultural and urban water use in Fort Collins. Not only does it take a village to produce a cogent historical analysis, but it takes a conversation among those doing the work. Many conversations, in fact. The PLHC is grateful to those who contributed to this project. We hope the conversation continues.
Not pictured are:
Krista Maroudas: Urban and Industrial
Jacquelyn Stiverson: Urban Trails, Downtown Development
Katie Updyke: Water sports